It’s One of the Most Wonderful Times of the Year

I know the holidays are over, and they were wonderful. Visiting with family, eating lots of good food, and just enjoying some time to relax are just a few of the reasons I love that season of the year. But they are not the only “most wonderful time of the year.”
Next week, many of us will be traveling to Henderson, Tennessee for the annual Freed Hardeman Bible Lectureship. It will be the 84th annual lectureship and while I haven’t attended even half of those, it is still a much-anticipated week for Jim and for me.
There are many reasons why we love it. Let me just mention a few:
- The sound Bible lessons we hear would be at the top of my list. I have grown spiritually every time I have been to this lectureship. Sitting at the feet of men and women who have carefully and prayerfully prepared lessons from God’s word is a beneficial joy. Many of those lessons will be live-streamed, so if you aren’t able to attend personally, maybe you can still enjoy the teaching that goes on by listening.
- The singing makes me think about what it will be like in Heaven! When the voices of all of the visitors on campus blend with the voices of all of the students on campus, I am sure that not only is it enjoyable for us, but it is also pleasing to God.
- The schedule that allows for men and women, elders and Bible-class teachers, young people as well as those of us who are not so young, to listen to lessons specifically geared toward us and our place in the Kingdom, is a real plus. I’m honored this year to be teaching a daily session for ladies in the newly remodeled Old Main Chapel Hall. I have always enjoyed the sessions just for the ladies, and I’m praying that this will be beneficial to all who attend.
- The reunion that takes place. For some of us, this is the one time a year that we get to see some of our brothers and sisters in Christ. At our motel, many of us enjoy breakfast together and catch up on what’s going on in each other’s lives. When we walk into Loyd Auditorium, we glance in specific directions because we know where certain people usually sit and we can’t wait to see them. There’s nothing like getting to actually hug someone you’ve only been able to call or text or message for a whole year!
- The feeling of being in the presence of those of “like precious faith.” It’s the way I feel on a Sunday at my home congregation, but multiplied by hundreds. It relaxes me and fills me with hope when I look around and see so many who love God the way I do and want to serve Him daily in this life. The laughter, the smiles, the conversations, and even sometimes the tears, all give me a feeling of belonging in the family of God.
February 2-6, 2020 will be a wonderful time of the year. I sure hope to see you there so we can partake of this spiritual feast together.
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AUTHOR: Donna Faughn