Church Life,  Family

It’s the Small Things

It was one quarter. Just twenty-five cents. However, it seemed to make all the difference in one particular woman’s day.

I’m an Aldi’s shopper, and I keep a quarter in a little compartment in my car when I go there so I can quickly get my shopping cart and begin saving all that money on groceries. It was right before the holidays and I was shopping as I usually do about once a week. When I finished loading my groceries in the back of my car I headed back to the store with my shopping cart.

I happened to notice a young woman on her way to get a cart, so I asked her if she would like to have mine. She started to hand me a quarter and I simply said for her to keep the quarter and let me have that tiny little blessing. She stopped, smiled, began to thank me profusely, and then she said, “You have just made my day. God bless you and your family.” It was such a small thing to do, but I think she felt good about it…and I know I sure did. 

When I got in my car and headed home I began to think about all of the little things we as followers of Jesus can do to help others feel better – things that don’t necessarily involve money.

Here’s my short list so far (and I hope you will add your ideas to it):

  • Smile and speak to the people you see – whether they smile or speak to you or not.
  • Let someone go before you in the grocery line if they have just a few items.
  • Sit down before church services with a widow or widower and just talk for a few minutes.
  • Give hugs freely at church (it isn’t hard to see those who need one).
  • Look into the eyes of those around you because the eyes are the windows of the soul.  If you take the time, you can see hurt, sadness, happiness, etc. and share with them.
  • Pat a teen at church on the back and let them know you are proud of them.
  • Tell your husband and children/grandchildren how much you love them…often.
  • Help someone in putting their coat on if you see they are struggling.
  • Walk with someone to their car if they seem to be having trouble.
  • Get down on a little child’s level and listen to what they have to say.
  • Check on a neighbor who may not have any family living close to them.
  • Let someone who’s trying to get in your lane of traffic go before you…even if the person behind you honks his horn.
  • Speak kindly and respectfully to waiters/waitresses in restaurants…and leave them a decent tip.

When I sit and think about the life of Jesus here on this earth, I think of a young man who loved and cared for others. I believe others were drawn to Him, in part, because He included little kindnesses in His everyday life. After all, wasn’t it Jesus who said, “…whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them…”  (Matt. 7:12)?

Now I keep several quarters in that little compartment in my car.

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AUTHOR: Donna Faughn


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