Church Life

“It’s Time We Got Back to Work”

Over the last 6 weeks or so, I have heard something very similar to that sentence–“it’s time we got back to work”–about 5 or 6 times. Interestingly, each of those times was in different conversations with, or lessons by, different people, but they were all talking about the same subject.

As I write this, the most recent occurrence happened with a man I had never met until just moments before. He was thanking me for something, and we struck up a conversation. I asked his name and where he was from, and, after giving those answers, he told me his “role” at the local congregation (which I’ll share in a moment).

After telling me that information, he said that same sentence that I had heard so often recently: “it’s time we got back to work.”

What was this man’s role? So far as he told me, he’s not an elder or deacon. He’s not on the “paid staff” at all as a preacher. In fact, he never told me what he does for a living. As far as I can tell, he’s a regular member, but one who is heavily involved in doing one thing for the Lord and that particular congregation.

He said something like this: “I worship here and I’m involved in personal evangelism.” After talking about how covid had slowed everything down–or pretty much shut it down, so far as door-to-door invitations are concerned–he said that phrase that is just ringing in my ears lately.

Covid did bring so many things to a screeching halt, and rightfully so. We really had no idea what we were dealing with. Thankfully, though there are still cases in our country, we are seemingly through with the worst of it and most states are relaxing restrictions rapidly.

But think of our congregations for a moment. Most congregations are basically back to normal, schedule-wise. Many are slowly restarting special events like summer series, VBS, Gospel Meetings, youth devos, and fellowship opportunities. It is so encouraging to jump on Facebook and see announcements for various events and activities!

But…are we forgetting to restart the most important thing?

Isn’t it time we got back to the work of personal evangelism?

Or, isn’t it time that we realized we never should have stopped! Oh, it may have looked different for awhile (again, understandably so), but should we not always be seeking to study with people and encouraging the lost to learn about Jesus? It may not have been door-to-door, but have their not been opportunities to email, Zoom, Skype, text, call, or write someone and study the Bible or send helpful materials?

And do those opportunities ever actually stop? Not as long as there are people!

I have some soul-searching to do, for sure. Am I letting anything–not just covid, but anything–move trying to reach the lost from my number one goal, not as a preacher, but as a Christian? If I am, may I repent of that and “get back to work”…

…because it’s ALWAYS time to be about that work.

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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