Church Life

Jewels Among Us

I don’t know if any of you are as blessed as we are in our congregation to have so many “jewels” sitting among us at worship gatherings and other activities. I have an idea that you are.

Those “jewels” are still full of life and knowledge. They represent generations of life, and many have lived through difficulties that can’t even be imagined by young people today. They have life skills that have been learned by living life and learning the hard way those skills needed to provide for their families.

Some of those “jewels” have a knowledge of the Bible that far exceeds their Bible class learning as a child. Their knowledge represents hours and hours of reading from God’s word and studying from other helpful books. Those “jewels” are a wealth of information for younger people. Sometimes they teach in a class, but most often they teach every day of their lives by their words and examples.

Their dedication to our congregation is seen in so many ways. They volunteer to do almost any task that needs to be done from cleaning up around the building to preparing food for any individual or event. If they are physically able, they will be the ones at every service of the church. They will be the ones who are making calls and sending cards to those who may need encouragement or comfort.

The “jewels” of any congregation are to be recognized and loved.

We lost one of our “jewels” a couple of weeks ago. She was loved by all who knew her. Her physical family adored her and cared for her so lovingly until the end of her life. Our church family loved her deeply and did what we could to comfort her until her death.

Norma Don Vance was described by her family as being “kind and helpful, and one who never met a stranger…having a heart for service which was demonstrated in many years as a volunteer in the Surgery Waiting room at one of the local hospitals…day or night, when a friend or family member needed care or support, she was the first one to be by their side. She loved her church family and one of her family’s precious memories will be of “Granny” sitting at the computer singing along during virtual church services.”

When Jim and I visited her those last few weeks of her life, she would say with tears in her eyes how much she missed going to church. She would tell us that she loved every single member of that church, and that she loved Jim and me soooo much. Some of our young people made a video following a youth devo of them singing some of our church songs. I know that meant so much to her. She loved our young people.

She was a “jewel” among us, and she will be missed. 

Treasure those “jewels” you are blessed to have among you.

“Her children rise up and call her blessed…” (Proverbs 31:28)

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AUTHOR: Donna Faughn


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