Just Fly Away Already!
This morning as I went for my walk, I had an experience that made me think. As I was coming up one of the streets of our neighborhood, I saw a significant flock of birds about 100 feet in front of me. They weren’t big birds (or Big Bird…I would have watched Big Bird for awhile), there were just a bunch of them.

I kept walking.
As I got probably 30 feet away, the flock moved…
one house down.
So, in about 10 seconds, I got about 30 feet away again, and the flock moved…
one house down.
This went on, for about 6 houses!
The flock would just slide down a few feet, and then do it again, and again. At first (honestly) I was a bit freaked out. I kept thinking that these birds were setting me up for some master-bird-minded plan to attack me or something. Then I remembered that I’m skinny and there’s not enough meat on my bones to worry about…and they weren’t exactly vultures, either.
As I finally got by the flock, though, I reflected on the actions of these birds and it made me think of how often I have done just what they did. How often have I harbored a sin and, just when it looked like I might “get caught,” moved it just a little bit? How often have I figured out a way to push an attitude of bitterness or resentment or jealousy down just enough so as not to let it show through, but letting it eat away at me constantly?
I need to learn to just fly away! I need to learn that just moving the sin around does not work. I also need to learn that “getting caught” should not be the motivation to hide sin. Instead, it should be the knowledge that I am sinning against a holy God.
What sin do you need to fly away from? Mount up with wings like eagles and fly not just toward the Lord, but with Him!