Church Life

Larry King’s Only Hope

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Nearly every American has heard the name Larry King. Even those who rarely, if ever, have watched his talk show know the name. He is a celebrity, even if he is one for an older generation.

Now, Larry King is 81 years of age. He still hosts his talk show, though it has not been on CNN for some time. Today, his program is on Hulu and RT America, and is still estimated to draw six figures worth of viewers. Mainstream celebrities, even of the young generation, still want to be on King’s program.

But did you notice? King is 81. He is in good shape, but he is having to come to grips with the fact that he will not be here forever.

Or is he?

You see, Larry King recently made it public that, when he dies, he wants his body to be frozen so that, possibly, one day he could be revived. He admits that the people involved in this work–the work of cryogenics–are mostly crazy (his words), but King also said something that stood out to me:

I think I’d like to be frozen and that would be the only hope that I could come back.

His “only hope?” That’s sad.

King is an avowed atheist. While he–to his credit–is mostly cordial to religious leaders who come on his program, he refuses to believe in God. Further, King disdains the notion that there is anything beyond this life. If that is true, then his only hope is to be frozen by a bunch of people he himself thinks are crazy and maybe–just maybe–a cure will be found for what cost him his life. Then 5, 50, or 500 years from now, maybe–just maybe–someone can unfreeze Larry King and cure him and reanimate his body.

That’s his only hope.

Unless Larry King would trust in the truth of the Gospel.

It is impossible to overstate how wide the chasm is between the beliefs of Larry King and the beliefs that Christians have, outlined by the apostle Paul. He reminded us that the resurrection of Christ is the basis of all we do and believe.

But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep (1 Corinthians 15:20).

Notice it is “fact!” This is not some blind wish. It is not even a veiled hope. The empty tomb of Jesus is “fact.”

And it is on that fact that we believe we will rise again, too.

We, unlike Larry King, do not have to rely on crazy cryogenic doctors. We rely on the Christ, the good Physician.

He is our hope. And that’s a fact.


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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn

Photo background credit: Peabody Awards on Creative Commons


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