
Leading the News (Bulletin Article for April 22)

Turn on the TV or the radio. Go to a news website. Open a newspaper or magazine. You’ll see it everywhere.

It’s bad news.

Sometimes it seems that all media outlets want to show us is negative stories. It doesn’t matter if one is trying to see the “major headlines,” celebrity news, sports or even the weather. MSNBC reports the weather now with “The Worst Weather in America.”

All this bad news can get us down. It is true that there are a lot of bad things happening around us every day. In fact, just this week, we were shocked by the shooting that took place in Blacksburg at Virginia Tech. We seem to have a negative story like that all too often.
While we pray for those involved in such terrible stories and while we need to have concern for our safety and well-being, we also need to ask a question: why do we focus on the negative?

There is something far better, and we have the ability and responsibility to share it. It is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

“Gospel,” simply put, means “good news.” When we read the Bible, meditate on its truths and learn what God has done for us, that’s the best news!

So, why isn’t it broadcast? Why doesn’t the love of God “lead the news”?

One reason could be that we have not let the story out. People don’t know the story. If people truly knew what happened at Calvary those many years ago, it would still be the lead story in every media outlet. The story is just that good!

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