
Lebanon Road 2012 Reading Plan: An Introduction

Welcome to 2012!

At Lebanon Road, we are emphasizing our theme of “Back to Basics: Where are Your Roots?” One of the ways we are striving to do that is to encourage people to spend time in the Bible, but in a different way than we often do.

Most congregations encourage members to read through the Bible word-for-word in some fashion (cover-to-cover, chronologically, etc.). That is a worthy goal, but we are trying something different. Since we are emphasizing basic Bible knowledge, we are giving our members several readings to do through the year. Each of these is short, but emphasized a particular part of the Bible for just a few weeks at a time.

The reason we are letting you know about it is that these readings will also appear on our blog. Early each Sunday morning, the readings for the week will be on here, so you can follow along if you want to. We hope you will join us this year in these readings. They will be easy to find, because they will all have this “plum” background, and will also be under the category “2012 Bible Reading Schedules.”

Here is the overall list of what we will be reading together:

January-February: 60-Day Overview of the Bible

March: 30 Days with Jesus

April: 30 Days in the Psalms

May: 31 Proverbs in 31 Days

June: 30 Stories You Might Have Forgotten

July: 31 Passages Every New Christian Should Read

August-November: Through the Bible with 121 Bible Biographies

December: Reading the New Testament

As you can see, this plan will help our folks deepen their roots by walking through the basics of the Bible. Our prayer is that, by gaining this foundation-level knowledge of the Bible, some of our members will be motivated to go back and study more deeply. If you want to join us in this reading schedule, feel free. We’ll be posting the schedules early each Sunday morning.


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