Lebanon Road Reading for October 28-November 3
Months: August-November
Theme: Through the Bible in 122 Biographies
These four months will walk through the Bible with short readings about people, from well-known to unfamiliar.
Sunday, October 28: The Good Samaritan : Luke 10:25-37
Monday, October 29: Mary & Martha : Luke 10:38-42
Tuesday, October 30: The Rich Fool : Luke 12:13-34
Wednesday, October 31: The Prodigal Son : Luke 15
Thursday, November 1: Zacchaeus : Luke 19:1-10
Friday, November 2: The Dying Thief : Luke 23:26-43
Saturday, November 3: Cleopas : Luke 24
Note: This series has been adapted from Zondervan, as published at http://alextran.org/2007/11/25/23-bible-reading-plans-that-will-satisfy-anyone/.