
Lebanon Road Report (April 6)

What a great first Sunday! It has been awhile since I posted anything, but we have been busy (and a little out of the “tech loop”).

We are now safely in Nasville, working with the Lebanon Road church of Christ. God blessed us with almost seven years in Haleyville. We will be eternally grateful for our time with the good 9th Avenue church.

Now, God has blessed us with another good congregation with which to worship and work. Lebanon Road sure knows how to say, “Hello.”

On Sunday https://www.nettcasinos.org/casino-anmeldelser, our attendance was 357, and 289 were present for Bible classes. That is a great starting point, but we pray that it is just the beginning.

One of my goals is to give a weekly report on this blog, so you can follow how things are progressing. Our elders have challenged us to grow by 10 percent this year. If God helps us reach that great goal, we will be around 380 by 2009.

If you are around Nashville, come by for a visit. We’d love to see you.

In Him,




  • Matthew

    Your new work will be in my prayers as the first years are the essential to a long term ministry with a congregation.

  • Kelly


    I am so glad to hear that you finally arrived safely in Nashville and are enjoying the time here so far. We will definitely keep your family and your new work in our prayers. Once you finally get settled down we will have to meet up and have a family meet and greet.

    In Him,
    Kelly Parker Dixon

  • Tiffany

    Hey Faughn Family!!! I am so glad that you have had a wonderful welcome, but we sure do miss you in Haleyville. Dad has to beg the kids to take his candy now that Mary Carol is not there to hunt him down. I hope you have a great week and a wonderful weekend. Tell Leah, Mary Carol, and Turner we said hey.

    Josh and Tiffany