Lebanon Road Report: June 29
It’s a blessing to have more than one preacher “on staff” at a congregation. It is a great way for people to use talents and it also provides a built-in network of helpers. J.D., Harry and I split several responsibilities, and one of those is preaching. Our elders want all three of us to spend time in front of the congregation presenting lessons from the pulpit, although I preach the majority of the time.
J.D. preached yesterday morning. His lesson was tremendous. Many, after services were over, were saying things to me like, “You’d better watch it,” or “It’s about time we heard some good preaching around here.” They were kidding…
…I hope!
Seriously, the lesson was very good and reminded us that our faith is the backbone of so many things we do that are different from the world.
Last night our young men led the services. They led the singing, Scripture reading, and presented the lesson. Each was very well prepared (one speaker didn’t even use notes!), and did a great job leading us in worship. I’m thankful that Lebanon Road lets these young men gain this valuable experience. I look forward to the next service led by our young men! (I tried to take pictures of the speakers, but they did not turn out well. I’ll try to do better next time.)
We were also pleased to welcome another new member. Jean Welch has been visiting with us for quite some time and decided to place her membership with us. We are pleased to have her. She loves to read the Bible and enjoys Bible classes a lot.
We had 344 in attendance yesterday morning, despite having about 6 families away on vacation (and those are just the ones I know of). I think that’s a tremendous number.
Last night it was fun to have mom and dad here with us. They were traveling back from a vacation in Gatlinburg and we got to worship with them. That was truly a joy.
Sometime, you need to stop by, too, to see all the great things going on at Lebanon Road!