
Lebanon Road Report: March 29

Though the weather turned a bit cooler again, we enjoyed another wonderful Sunday at Lebanon Road. After being missed by some severe weather Saturday evening, the temperature went back into the 40s and it was windy, but that didn’t stop us from having a great Lord’s Day.

About 18 folks were away from us at a Spring retreat. Mostly young people, they went to Short Mountain Christian Camp and learned much, but they also served the camp in a great way. They spent most of the day Saturday removing brush and other things to help get the campground ready for its annual season. Since the theme of the retreat was “I Want to be a Worker for the Lord,” they got some hands-on work at their theme. We missed them Sunday morning, but they had a wonderful retreat.

As we continued through Titus in our Sunday morning sermons, we came to Titus 2:7-8, where something is said to encourage Titus as a preacher. Since each who is a New Testament Christian is a preacher (cf. Matthew 28:18-20; First Peter 2:4-10), this section is for us all! We were reminded that we should (1) live a life worthy of emulation, and (2) always provide Biblical education. I am truly enjoying these lessons from Titus. As a young preacher, they encourage me and I hope they encourage all who hear as well.

Last night, with our retreat folks back, we were blessed to hear Chris LaFever preach. Chris will be coming to Lebanon Road this summer as our youth intern. He went to the retreat to get to know the young people better and agreed to come back through Nashville to preach for us. He did a good job reminding us of the unity needed among God’s people. We hope Chris finds his summer with us to be good for him; and we pray that he will be good for our young people as well.

We had 350 in worship yesterday morning, and 18 at our retreat. So, all told 368 worshiped with us. We continue to push toward 400, and I know the day is coming when that will be our regular number. Will you help us reach that goal?

In other news, our church softball team had a practice yesterday in anticipation of our first game this Friday. It was cold, but we enjoyed the fellowship. I enjoyed playing on the team last year, even though we lost nearly all our games. The guys play with the right attitude and we enjoy each other’s company. I’m looking forward to the same this year, although a couple of victories would be nice, too!



  • Matthew

    You count attendance like a preacher. I always believed that if a lady was “with child” that unborn child should be included in the count too. If we consider the baby a life, we should consider them in the count.

  • Faughn Family of Four

    Of course! I brought that up in a meeting here, and we do it, too.

    By the way, we only count those we know are pregnant. We don’t ask!!!