Lebanon Road Report (May 25)
I hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend. We certainly did. Leah’s parents were with us for several days, now that her mom is finished with radiation treatments (yah!), and, on Monday, my parents came and spent several hours. It was a great time.
We also had a wonderful Sunday at Lebanon Road. Our numbers were down just a bit, but not badly for a holiday weekend. We still had 324 on Sunday morning, and our brothers and sisters contributed a great amount of money to the Lord.
On Sunday night, we held our annual reception honoring our high school graduates. We honored six young people (from six different high schools…welcome to “big city livin'”), and those who helped did a tremendous job. There was a DVD of pictures and interviews for each graduate, and it was supremely well done! The decorations were great and JD did a good job as our emcee for the evening. We will pray for these young people as they head out into the next phase in life.
In other updates, the church has a new-look website. I have changed the link on the right-hand side, but you may check it out here, too. We hope to keep it up-to-date and fresh. The new look is cleaner and a little more user friendly. Keith LeSeur spent a lot time updating the site, but it was worth the wait. Enjoy!
Our VBS is just a few weeks away (June 22-25). The elders asked me to be “in charge,” but I have a tremendous amount of help. I’m thankful for each one who is giving of his/her time. If you can, join us for a night or for the week!
One Comment
Dale's Spot
Great look on the new website….I’m working on a new one that I hope to launch today…