Lebanon Road Report (May 27)
I missed Lebanon Road yesterday. I’m holding a meeting in Vienna, Illinois, this week, and getting an opportunity to spend some time with my family during the day.
JD Buckner, our youth minister, preached yesterday and, from all reports, did a great job. He also announced that he and his wife–Maria–will have a second child in November. James David will get to be a big brother! Please pray for this good family as they prepare to bring another life into the world.
There were 331 in attendance yesterday morning, and 251 stayed for Bible classes. I know they all heard a good sermon and learned much in Bible class.
In Vienna, 52 were present for the AM service. While that number may not sound like a lot, there were just 33 last week, so 52 is a tremendous number! We’re looking forward to many visitors tonight.