
Legacy Update: The Reason for the Redesign

If you come to our site regularly, you may have noticed a new look. Today, I wanted to take just a moment and explain this redesign.

Earlier this week, our site went down for several hours. That was not out intention! After a lengthy chat with our hosting company, Bluehost, we discovered that our “theme” (that is what gives the site its “look”) was not working. Basically, if our understanding is correct, our theme was not updating as it should and finally just stopped working properly.

So, we quickly took steps to bring the site back up, and here we are. The redesign is much more simple, but we hope it still gives the essential that will be helpful to any readers who come this way.

We are sharing this to let you know that there may be some other changes in the look of our site in the next few days as we try to get it to look just right, but we will continue to produce content on a regular basis (except for the first full week in June, when we will not produce anything on the site).

Thank you for your understanding and we hope you will continue to come to the site!

By the way, the best way to simply get all that we produce and not even have to come to the site is to subscribe through email. It’s free and every article we produce will automatically be emailed to you each morning. If you’d like to sign up, just click here.


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.