Lessons from T-Shirts

There is a great T-shirt shop here in Cookeville that has gained pretty wide recognition. They are known for super soft tops with fun, local, positive, moral, or scriptural sayings. They have a “shirt of the week” to get people in the door and advertise it on local billboards for a discounted price for that week only.
Recently, there was a shirt that I couldn’t totally read on the billboard but a coworker had it on not long after. It reads “You are Enough.” By the time I got myself there, it was no longer the shirt “of the week” and I wouldn’t pay the higher price … at least for me. However, I did buy it for my daughter who is going through that period of time in life where you wonder if you have to do something special or be the “most” to matter. I wanted her to understand that she is enough, just because she is unique and special. God created her that way (Jeremiah 1:5).
A couple of weeks later, an anonymous friend placed the same T-shirt in my work mailbox as an encouragement to me. However, when I tried to apply the same logic to me as I had my child, I changed my mind. In fact, I wanted to edit my shirt! I felt it should read “God is enough.”
I am not enough just because I am unique and special; God is enough and through His creative, Divine power, I was made unique and special. I am only enough when I am resting in Him. “[M]y God will supply every need of [mine] according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). I am only enough because I am created in His image (Gen. 1:27; Eph. 4:24), and for His glory (Isaiah 43:7; Ephesians 2:10). I am enough because He loves me (1 John 3:16).
And so are you …
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AUTHOR: Amber Tatum