
Links List Updated, Counter Achievement, and Dave Ramsey

On the right-hand side of this blog, there has been a list of “Links” for a long time. However, even though there were only about 10 links, they were all listed together in a “web mish-mash.”

Now, hopefully, that has been corrected. If you will take the time to look at the right side, you will see that the links have been listed in different categories (churches, blogs, schools, etc.). Hopefully, this will help you find your way to some good stuff on the internet.

All these are sites I try to “frequent.” Hopefully, they are of some help to you, as well.

By the way, if you didn’t notice, on Tuesday night we rolled over 5000 hits. We are proud of that achievement, but more thankful that you want to come and read what is here.

We do ask two things, though.

  1. Keep coming back,
  2. and Spread the word!

One more thing…Dave Ramsey is going to have a part on 20/20 tonight. Leah and I are firm believers in his debt reduction plan. If you have a few moments, watch the show.
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