
Looking for a Book?

Yesterday at the area-wide preachers’ meeting, I was making a presentation about building a preacher’s library (on a preacher’s salary). Near the end of that discussion, I mentioned that, as with anything that costs money, one should “shop around” when looking for books. After all, building a library is not cheap.

Brother Ted Burleson, from the Hamilton church of Christ, mentioned a website that I had not previously visited. It is Best Book Buys. You simply type in the book (or author or ISBN) you are wanting, and the site finds matches.
Then, click on
and you can see what several websites are charging for the book–including shipping!

The site searches many that are probably already favorites of yours, like Amazon.com and Christian Book Distributors. It also searches sites like Wal-Mart, Barnes & Noble and many textbook sites.

If you are looking for any book, not just a religious book, this site is a great one to add to your favorites!

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