
Lots of Thank You's

This past weekend, the 9th Avenue church of Christ held her annual youth rally. It was a wonderful weekend. The lessons were helpful and the young people who came were great.

The theme “The Christian and the Media” helped young and not-so-young alike. We are all touched the media daily, and many times do not even realize how much we are influenced.

Brother Mike Johnson, from Richmond, Kentucky, did a great job helping the young people (and us adults, as well) see that the mainstream media in our nation is slanted and uses “dirt” to sell. He also helped them see that they need to be very discerning when it comes to the media.

Our classes were helpful as well. Mike Baker did a great job teaching the adults about the influence the media can have in our homes. He had obviously done a lot of research, and presented tons of practical material to our adults.

John Farber, Joey Sparks, Ryan Gallagher, Todd Clippard, Lana Walker and Charles Abernathy all presented helpful lessons in their classes, as well. Each tackled a specific area of the media and did so from both positive and negative sides.

Each young person who attended should have had his/her eyes opened to what is going on. Not all media is bad (I hope this blog isn’t!!!), but so much of the “mainstream media” is. Christians must be careful.

To the 9th Avenue congregation: thank you! So many helped with food, housing and other areas, and we could not have had the youth rally without you. It is a large undertaking each year, but you always shine! Guests are constantly telling me how much they enjoy your hospitality. As a congregation, we should be proud of our work in this area.

If you did not get to attend, there is always next year. Lord willing, we will turn our attention to the book of James and study “The Christian Handbook.” Be with us on January 4-5, 2008. We had 194 in attendance this year. Let’s strive to crack the 200 barrier in ’08.

Thanks to everyone who came to the rally, and thanks to everyone who helped. It was great!


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