Love ______ Church
There was a popular slogan a couple of years ago, where people wore T-shirts or had other items that said “I love my church.” It was basically a way for people to show love and support for their congregation, and that’s a good thing (as you’ll see below). However, there are several ways to fill in that slogan, and each one of them needs to be true.
Love HIS Church. We need to love that the Church belongs to Jesus, Who is the Head. We need to love that He is the One Who purchased it with His Own blood. If we do, then we will obey Him. We will not try to add to His plan (i.e., instrumental music, women elders, etc.) or alter it in any way. After all, I don’t own it or rule it. He does. And I don’t just need to “accept” that, I need to love it.
Love THE Church. That is, we need to love the Church all around the world, and be grateful for faithful congregations wherever they may be found. There is a lot of skepticism and suspicion in the Church. If a congregation is growing, they must be doing something wrong. Really? The Lord built only one Church, and His view of it was that it was to grow. So, when I see a congregation following Jesus and growing, I need to celebrate that, even if the congregation where I happen to be is currently in a rough spot. (By the way, attending events like Polishing the Pulpit will greatly enhance your love for the Church throughout the world.)
Love THIS Church. That is, the one I attend. This is my family! Will there be issues? Of course. Will there be disagreements and rough patches? Absolutely. But we need to love the greater good–the unity of our spiritual family–more than just our feelings. We laugh and cry together. We should desire to be together constantly to support one another, encourage one another, and teach one another, because we all want to be in heaven together forever.
The Church is so beautiful, but sometimes our love for the Church grows weak. Let’s always strive to grow in our love for HIS Church, THE Church, and THIS Church.
AUTHOR: Adam Faughn