
Loving the "Big" Story

While this post is not necessarily of a religious nature, I thought this story was very well-written and important.

Amazingly, it has been one year since Hurricane Katrina made landfall at the Louisiana-Mississippi border. We remember well the storm and aftermath, which continues even now. Cleanup is nowhere near complete, but there are many hopeful signs. The Saints will play in New Orleans this year, and many schools are open again.

In the days leading up to the storm and the days following, we were shocked by what we saw and heard. This was a tragedy of the first degree.

However, many used this awful event to send out “hype” stories. They inflated numbers, while knowing the truth.

A great piece was written by Amity Shlaes of Bloomburg News, and was printed online by the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Please take a moment and read this great piece by clicking here.


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