The March 2012 10 : Links Roundup
March is coming to an end. That means that college hoops is about done for a few months. So, I’ll go into a sports cocoon for a few months while watching some baseball and the Olympics.
By the way, college football seems to be looking at a playoff. They might even have four teams in it. College basketball did that…in 1939. Good to see college football thinking about joining the Pre-World War 2 era. Can’t wait until we can say, “Welcome to the mid-1900’s” to that sport.
Anyway, on to the links for this month. We’ll start off with the first five, then give our usual mid-post comedic break. But, before that, just a quick picture. This has been a beautiful month, so I thought I’d share a picture of the tree in front of our house in full bloom. Enjoy, then on to the first five links.
1. Each time Chuck Webster writes a blog post, it is a blessing, but I really enjoyed his post “Was Jesus Effeminate?” It is eye-opening and will cause you to think.
2. I’ve enjoyed getting to read “The Christian Caller” blog. Each day, there is a short devotional that matches a Scripture, a hymn, a prayer, and a short devotional message. My favorite so far was “90-Percent Obedience.”
3. Each month, Larry Miles sends out an email with links (like this roundup) that he enjoys. He uses some different blogs than I do, so you might want to join the mailing list. Here is the link to the April edition of Words in Season.
4. I really like the Creation Faith Facts blog, but every so often a post on there really stands out. Such was this one to me, called “Dinosaur Death-Pose: Just Add Water.”
5. Earlier this month, Chris Gallagher ran a series on the cross of Christ. Each post was well done, but my favorite was this one: “The Stripes of the Servant.”
Time for a little levity. I am a huge fan of Tim Hawkins. Among my many favorites of his is the song “Things You Don’t Say to Your Wife.” Enjoy.
On to the final five links for the month.
6. Steven Hunter writes about Gospel Meetings. I love meetings, but he writes in a way that will cause us all to think about, if we are going to have them, we need to have a purpose behind them. Enjoy his post “What I Dislike about Gospel Meetings.”
7. One of my goals as a parent is to teach our children to show respect for those who are aged. Personally, I have a long way to go to be where I’d like to be in this area, but I’m working on it. So, Cindy Colley’s article “The Hoary Head” really hit home with me.
8. Competition can be good or bad. What it can lead some people to do is both amazing and appalling. Scott McCown writes a very good article about the spiritual aspect of competition called “No Competition.”
9. We are told to preach the Gospel, which is the good news. Neal Pollard asks a question, though: “Do They Know It’s Good News?”
10. Finally, I haven’t done this in awhile, but I’m going to link to an older post on our own blog. This post deals with five reasons why a student of the Bible may not be learning what we think he/she should learn. Enjoy the classic post “Growing in Knowledge.”
Well, that’s it for March…
…except for our traditional song! How about an a capella version of “Friday, I’m In Love”? Well, alright! Enjoy.

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