Church Life

Marks of the Master

There was excitement in the art world recently with a discovery on a statue. The figure, carved a little over 500 years ago by Michelangelo, is not one of his more famous works, but it was recently reexamined and a possibly tremendous discovery was made.

On the small wax figure, a previously unnoticed mark was found. Upon more examination, it became clear that it was a print–a thumbprint. And it is believed to be a thumbprint of the master artist himself, preserved for all these centuries.

No matter how “important” of a work of art this statue is, if this discovery turns out to actually be Michelangelo’s print, what a tremendous find! To have that mark of the master would make this nothing short of remarkable.

But think about one other aspect of that story. It seems that this mark–a mark from the sculptor himself–went undiscovered for over 500 years.

Is there not a powerful parallel from that story from the world of art to something of great importance in our spiritual lives? When God created humankind, He placed His “mark” on us. We are made in His image (Genesis 1:26-27) as the only part of creation that has been given an everlasting soul.

Yet, how often do so many people fail to recognize that in themselves and, as such, do not think they are anything of any value. Instead, human beings are of the greatest value because we bear the mark of the Master!

Whether you recognize it or not…

…you have an everlasting soul, something no other creature in creation has.

…you were worth the Creator sending His Son to die for, something He did not do for any other part of creation.

…you will live forever, either in heaven or hell, something no other creature has to contemplate.

All of that is bound up in the powerful fact that you were created in the image of God. You bear a mark of the Master. Don’t miss that fact!

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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