Church Life,  Tech

May I Ask a Favor?

Today’s post is a simple request, but hopefully one you find benefit from.

The request is this: please subscribe to Central’s YouTube channel.

Now…why would you want to do that? In other words, what is there for you?

Currently, we have four major things that you can expect on a regular basis:

  1. All worship services (as you would expect). We stream our entire service, so you can join in from home, go back and watch later, or simply find a sermon and watch the lesson.
  2. Adult Bible classes. Currently, all our adults are meeting together for class and that is also streamed, then archived. Hopefully, when we open up more, we will archive other classes, as well.
  3. The Central Focus. These videos are released each Tuesday morning at 7AM (Central time). They are brief, two-to-three minute, devotionals meant to give you something to think about (have your “central focus on”) during the week.
  4. Margin Notes. Every other Thursday, we release a video at 10AM (Central time) that provides notes for the margin of your Bible. Currently, we are going through Genesis and work is already being done on Exodus.

In the future, we hope to do some other things in addition to these. We want this to benefit as many people as possible, so subscribing, we hope, would be a blessing to you.

But your subscribing would also bless us. We are a long way from this goal, but we would like to reach 1000 subscribers so that we can livestream from a mobile phone (which would help us do some other neat things on the channel in the future!).

So, really, I’m asking you to do two things: subscribe…and tell someone else to subscribe also. It would truly be appreciated and we pray you find what we share to be a blessing in your walk with the Lord.

TO SUBSCRIBE, CLICK HERE then click on the big red “subscribe” button. Thank you!


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.