Church Life

Maybe More Than Merely a Kernel of Truth

I’ve been told that the best comedy contains a kernel of truth. If that is true, it is my opinion that the cartoon reproduced above must be really hilarious.

Unfortunately though, for those who truly care about the cause of Jesus it may not be all that funny. Some, like me, may be saddened by the message of this cartoon that recently appeared in a news feed that showed up on my computer the other day from something called Church of the Covered Dish.

I would like to suggest a three-part challenge for all of us. First, please consider the implications of the cartoon.

Second, consider the implications of this passage from God’s Word which identifies Jesus as the one…

who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify

for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works.

(Titus 2:14, ESV, emphasis added)

I think that it is very apparent that there is a vast difference between the cartoon and the Bible. The message of one is that we are saved to sit while the message of the other is that we are saved to serve.

Now, it is time for the third, and possibly most difficult part of the challenge to myself and those who may read this —

Look in the mirror.

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AUTHOR: Jim Faughn


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