Church Life

Messages In The Wind

Folks, it is definitely May. If you are an educator, that needs no explanation. If you aren’t, suffice it to say that May – while wonderful – is also challenging in the school world. And, if that weren’t enough, last week we had two bizarre mornings to add to the fun: one morning as students were arriving at school, the tornado sirens were sounding and we were quickly moving children to safe spots as the storm approached. Then, two days later, we had a zebra on the loose that had been tased and received a message to not approach the angry zebra … “yes, really.”

While some of you might want to know more about the zebra (after all, I live in Cookeville, TN, not on a safari), the main point of this article was inspired by the tornado warning. I started thinking about wind in all its forms: swirling gusts that can cause destruction; the warm chinook wind that causes spring snow melt; the salt-scented breeze that lets me know the beach is near; a cooling breeze that helps me persevere with those weeds in the flower bed … So many forms, and yet I can “see” none of these. I can feel them. I can hear them. I can smell them. But I can’t see them with my eyes.

As those of you know who regularly read my posts, my mind sometimes connects strange things. This time I connected these thoughts about the wind to a devotional song. I hope no matter what sense the wind triggers, I can “see” it, just as I can choose to “see” God in all the things around me. Consider these words from that song and open your eyes to Him all around you today:

“Some hear the voice of God and say it’s only thunder …

When mountains shake I will not forget to praise you.

When eagles soar I will glorify your name.

When lightning flashes I will celebrate Your wonder.

Lord, may it always be to me more than thunder.”
(listen here)

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AUTHOR: Amber Tatum


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