Ministry is Messy

I am an orderly person. (Well, except for my office, but that’s a different story.) I like schedules and plans. I like to know how long something is going to take. I’m the kind of person who, when I’m in charge of a meeting, promises the length of the meeting…and sticks to it!
But I am also one who tries to be faithful to the life that God requires as a Christian. As a disciple of His, I am in ministry. No, I’m not talking about my “job” as a preacher. Every Christian is a minister, since that work basically just means “servant.”
Knowing that, I have to understand that ministry is messy. Not everything is going to fit neatly into a schedule or organizational chart. That is a struggle for me, but it is also one of the beauties of being in the lives of people.
They are going to mess up…just like I do.
They are going to get sick…just like I do.
They are going to sin…just like I do.
They are going to be down and upset…just like I am.
And none of those things is going to happen on just the right schedule. Just when you think you have your day or week planned, one phone call can change everything. A surgery. A lost loved one. A Christian caught up in sin. A brother or sister dealing with sadness or loneliness or depression. A job loss.
And an opportunity to minister.
There is no possible way to be there for every person each and every time there is an issue. No person can possibly pull that off.
But I also cannot let my attention to schedules and plans keep me from doing what I can do to help people in some way.
Not every opportunity is “social media” worthy. Sometimes, it is just dropping by for a visit. Sometimes, it is hearing someone’s struggles that may cause you pain of heart. Sometimes, it is completely behind the scenes, because what someone is going through is ugly and shameful. Each time, though, somehow, it lifts your spirits because you have done what you could.
Ministry is messy….but so worth it.
Because it reminds me of what it means to be more like Jesus.
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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn