Mob Mentality

I read about this the other day and it broke my heart once again. I read about it from time to time and I have the same response every time those words are read. In my mind I always think, they just had a mob mentality. Let me share with you some of the things that are included in what I read that caused me to define the situation as a mob mentality.
There were accusations. Accusing someone of something doesn’t make it true. Knowing the facts about a person or a situation is so important, but, sadly, the facts are often unknown or ignored.
There was mocking. Mocking means to make fun of someone in a cruel way. It can be done with words or with actions. It can be done by making fun of the way a person is dressed or even with words that make fun of who or what the person is.
There was shouting. I’m often taken aback by the volume of voices when those in a crowd are asking for something to be done. Their voices are raised as if the louder they cry out for something the better it will be. Maybe they feel as though they fit in better if they raise their voice loudly in unison with everyone else.
There was spitting. One of the most contemptuous ways to show disdain for a person is to spit in their face. Even the action of just spitting in their direction shows disdain for them.
There was ridicule. The word ridicule is defined as contempt for what a person believes, stands for, or is. Often that ridicule is verbalized and those words escalate depending on the number of people listening to them and joining in.
There was hitting. When anger escalates it often ends with physically striking a person or worse. The very act of slapping or punching another human being is anger that, if not controlled, can end in tragedy.
There was death. The human body is sturdy under normal circumstances. It can withstand a great deal. But when subjected to repeated abuse, and final blows, the life goes out of that body.
The mob mentality had won – or so it seemed.
Three days later, the One who was accused, mocked, shouted at, spat upon, ridiculed, hit, and had died physically, rose from that grave and overcame death.
The mob mentality did not win.
“Up from the grave He arose. With a mighty triumph over His foes.
He arose a victor from the dark domain, and He lives forever with His saints to reign.
He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!” ~ Robert Lowry (1874)
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AUTHOR: Donna Faughn