
More PowerPoint Presentations

I have uploaded some more PowerPoint presentations to my Slideshare account. You may click on the links below to view them.

You Haven’t Seen It, Yet (a sermon dealing with Heaven)

Lessons from the Life of Anna (a good sermon starter from the life of the aged Anna in Luke 2)

Me, the Sinner (a simple “survey-style” sermon about how we should view sin)
The Rich Man “Preaches” Today (what would he say if he could preach just one sermon?)

By the way, I don’t claim for these to be the greatest slideshows of all time. Hopefully, by viewing them, though, you can get some ideas for Bible study. I hope they encourage you in that way. Enjoy!

One more thing, the site I use for uploading these (www.slideshare.net) is heavily visited. Just seven minutes after loading one of these sermons, 5 people had already viewed it. Preachers, this may be a good way to get some of your good outlines and presentations out there for others to study.

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