Church Life

Nonessential Personnel

You’ve heard the announcement before. It usually happens during times when there is severe weather in a particular location.  The news reports of these announcements often go something like this:

Governor ______________ has announced that all state offices will be closed. All nonessential personnel are advised to stay at home.

Have you ever wondered who the “nonessential personnel” are? While I am sure they are happy to have a day off, I’m also wondering how they feel knowing that their position is deemed to be nonessential.

I’ve also been wondering about something else. What would happen in a local church if an activity and/or an announcement were designed to exclude all of the nonessential personnel of that congregation?

Would I get invited?  

Would I receive the announcement?

Are there nonessential members of the Lord’s body?  

According to scripture (cf. Romans 12:3-8, 1 Cor. 12:12-27, etc.), there is no such thing as a nonessential member of the Lord’s body (church). According to practice, however, there may be.

If I attend Bible classes and worship services only when it is convenient for me; if I never contribute any time, talent, or energy to the cause of Christ; if I find myself using pronouns like “they” and “them” instead of “we” and “us” when referring to the local church; then I may see myself (and be seen by others) as a nonessential member. Nobody ever calls on me for anything or expects me to ever be regular in my attendance because they have long since learned that it is a waste of time to do so.

However, if anybody ever asks me or anybody else if I’m a member of a particular congregation, the answer had better be in the affirmative. If it is not, I will be terribly upset and will, in no uncertain terms, let somebody know how upset I am.

I’m assuming that, when announcements like those above are made, those nonessential government workers will still get their paychecks. I’m sure that they will expect them.

However, the “nonessential church members” might want to read Matt. 25:14-30 (The Parable of the Talents) to see what the Lord thinks of those who fail to use the resources available to them. It’s not a pretty picture, is it?

Can He depend on you,

His blessed will to do?

Will you be crowned with the faithful and true,

Can He depend on you?

(Wilkin B. Bacon)

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AUTHOR: Jim Faughn


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