
Not as Many Books?

If you have been reading the blog for some time, you may have noticed that I don’t complete as many books as I did in past years. For those who are new, I write at least a one-paragraph “review” of each book I complete.

There are a couple of reasons for this slowdown:

1. The books I am currently reading are longer than others I have read in the past. Many of the books I have reviewed in the past were youth classbooks, and could be read in a day or two. I still read class books every so often, but currently I’m reading some longer works. When I finish, though, there will be a review.

2. I’m listening to more stuff. A few weeks ago, I posted an article asking for some suggestions of podcasts you would recommend. I have taken some of those and have also discovered some others that I like. I listen to a fairly significant number of podcasts. I can’t read and listen at the same time, so the number of pages I read has gone down a bit.

However, this new interest is going to become the subject of my next series. Over the coming weeks, I will be writing my thoughts on each podcast to which I subscribe. Some are Bible based (of course), while others are general information, and, yes, some are just downright fun.

In the short time I’ve had my iPhone, I have stopped listening to three podcasts for various reasons. They are:

1. The Dave Ramsey Show Podcast. I know, you’re shocked. I still love Ramsey, but I can hear him on the radio (or watch him on TV) whenever I like. Also, this podcast was about 45 minutes in length, five times each week. I simply didn’t have the time to stay caught up with this one.

2. Desiring God with John Piper. Piper once spent 8 1/2 years on Romans. This podcast was deep, deep, deep. Nothing wrong with that, but it was also off, off, off, and that IS something wrong with that. I subscribe to several podcasts from folks with whom I disagree, but at least I can understand them!

3. Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproule. Again, very deep stuff. The thing I didn’t like about this was that, often, the subjects were about different belief systems of folks in the 400s or 800s or whatever. Again, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, it’s just not my style.

These three are some that I enjoyed from time-to-time, but just didn’t enjoy enough to keep. Over the coming weeks, look for reviews of podcasts that I listen to and enjoy.

“But I don’t have an ipod or iPhone,” you might say (dad!). No problem. Just remember that iTunes is a free download and you can listen to music, podcasts, etc. right on the computer. Also, every podcast to which I subscribe is free, so this doesn’t cost a dime!
