November 10: Links Roundup
Okay, so it’s not the last Friday of the month, but it’s close enough, so it’s time for the November links roundup.
And, since I know you are busy, we are going to cut out all the usual “conversation,” and just have 5 links, a fun video, the final 5 links, and then…well…you know how we end the roundup!
But first, a bonus link! Today, I had a post on ChristianPF.com that deals with the best investment you can ever make. I hope you’ll take the time to read the article here.
Now, enough self-promoting…let’s get to the roundup!

Here are links 1-5:
1. My brother-in-law used a song that (1) a great friend of mine wrote, and (2) I sang in college as the basis for a wonderful post on how to handle it when things just do not go our way. Enjoy his post, called “Rainy Days.”
2. A vote in the state of Mississippi didn’t make as much news as I thought it would, but Christians should still be interested in it. It dealt with whether a baby in the womb was a human. Sadly, the vote failed, even in that very conservative state. Albert Mohler wrote a very thought-provoking article that you need to take a few moments to consider. It’s poignantly called “We’re All Harry Blackmun Now.”
3. YouTube is one of the most visited sites on earth. It is staggering to consider the amount of material placed on that site each day. But how can we protect our kids on that behemoth of a site? Please take a few minutes to download and read this free material from Covenant Eyes.
4. Jesus said the Church would grow, and it has throughout the years. But how do we help an individual congregation to grow? Matthew Morine shares one great point in his brief post, “The One Thing for Church Growth.”
5. I really enjoy reading the Creation Faith Facts blog. While all the posts are about apologetics, every once in a while a post just jumps out at me. This one was one of those, and I had to share it. Enjoy “Troublesome Teeth.”
Mid-Post Break Time!!!
Even on a quick post, you need a little break. Enjoy this video by comedian Tim Clue, who shares a hilarious view of how some people deal–or don’t deal–with debt. If this weren’t so realistic for many folks, it would be even funnier!
Now, on to the final 5 links.
6. Hey, look! Michael Hite has a blog! The Ministry Geek rarely updates his site, but this update was really cool. He talked about, and linked to, a site that documents every accounted-for location mentioned in Scripture on Google Maps. What a great resource! Enjoy it here.
7. Here is a news commentary that you will want to let sink in a bit. FoxNews.com opinion writer Lamar Vest asks the question: “Most Americans Own a Bible, So Why Aren’t They Reading It?” Interesting perspective.
8. Our world doesn’t want sin to be any big deal, but the Bible tells us that it is awful. Caleb Sampson writes a powerful article called “The Scars of Sin.”
9. Need some encouragement? If you are a Christian, your name is written in heaven! Tim Pyles reminds us of that in his uplifting post, “You’re On the List!”
10. For the final post, I liked this productivity article from Michael Hyatt, because it helps with a very common problem. “How to Get Out of that Funk” will help you do just that!
Time for Our Traditional Ending!!!
Well, it may not be Friday, but we can’t break tradition! Enjoy a Swedish indie rock band named Billy the Vision and the Dancers playing “Friday, I’m in Love” (Yes, this song is global!).
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and we’ll join you on the blog next week, then we’ll be back at the end of December for our final links roundup of 2011.

Rob Lester
Thanks again for the link to Creation Faith Facts. The comments below the article may even be more interesting than the article itself. There are 15 comments in a discussion I had with an evolutionists named “Limey.” It was very polite and insightful. I appreciate your site so much!