
Off to Missouri

Tomorrow morning, Lord willing, I will leave to speak in a series of Gospel Meetings at the Doniphan, Missouri, church of Christ.

The congregation there has been doing much work preparing for the meeting. Flyers have been sent to all area congregations and about 2000 postcards have been sent to residents in the area inviting them to hear the Gospel.

Our theme is, simply, “Practical Christianity.” We hope to explore various areas of study and understand how the Bible is still relevant to us today.

If you can come to one of more of the services, please do. We will meet Sunday morning at 9:30 and 10:20, then Sunday evening at 6:00. We will also meet Monday night, Tuesday night and Wednesday night at 7:00. You are invited. If you cannot come, please pray for the meeting. Also, please pray for Leah and the kids. She isn’t going to try to make this trip, so she will need your prayers as she cares for Mary Carol and Turner.

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