Church Life,  Family

Often Overlooked – Usually Unappreciated – Absolutely Indispensable

They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. They are found in every geographic area on the globe. They reside in sparsely populated rural areas and in the most densely populated cities. They speak a variety of languages, have different ideas and attitudes about a lot of things. They may or may not agree on every (or any) subject. While they may be found at every level of the “economic ladder,” their numbers seem to increase on the lower levels. 

You will rarely, if ever, read their names in headlines. If they are mentioned at all in news reports or other sources of information, they may not even be mentioned as individuals. Instead, they may be referred to as some sort of group (staff, employees, supporters, etc.).

As a baseball fan settles in and turns the television on to watch a baseball team full of famous and well-paid athletes trot out onto the field to start a game, is there any thought given to the people who spent hours preparing that field, making sure the team had all of the equipment it needs, transported the team to the correct city, etc.? As the starting lineups are announced, there may be a casual mention (if that) of the names of the managers, coaches, and umpires. What about the vendors, the ushers, the people who make sure that the stadium is ready for a game? What about the people who planned, paid for, and built the stadium? 

Whose voice is heard when announcements are being made? Who makes sure that the public address system is working properly? Who designed and built that system? Who printed the tickets that were bought? Who employed the people who made enough money to buy the tickets?

Who makes it possible for me to sit in a room in Paducah, Kentucky and watch the game as it is being played in St. Louis, MO, Chicago, IL, New York, NY, etc.? Sometimes a television cameraman will be shown and, more rarely, the “guys in the truck” will be seen, but who made all that equipment? Who invented it? What all is involved in getting those images from “the truck” to my television set? Who trained those people about how to use the equipment and utilize the  techniques?

I think (hope) I’ve made a point. The point that I am at least trying to make applies to every aspect of our lives. It does not matter whether we are discussing something as large and impersonal as a multi-billion dollar corporation or something as small and intimate as family. Sadly, the people who are often overlooked, usually unappreciated, but absolutely indispensable are those who quietly, dependably, and sacrificially do what they can to help make the team, the company, the family, a congregation, or any other group of people the best it can be.

As I think about this, I might also think about the types of people with whom Jesus spent most of His time and those for whom He had the highest regard when He was on the earth. That might (should) cause me to align my thinking and my life more closely to His.

But Jesus called them to him, and saith unto them, Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and their great ones exercise authority upon them. But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister: And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. (Mark 10:42-45)

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AUTHOR: Jim Faughn

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