Church Leadership,  Church Life,  Family,  Marriage

One Of Life’s Greatest Blessings

I’m spending a lot of time working on lessons for Polishing the Pulpit, which is coming up in a couple of months. Some of my time is spent just sitting and thinking about the topic upon which I have been asked to speak. This week I’ve been thinking, studying, and writing about being an elder’s wife.

Now, you may be wondering about the title for this blog post and how it goes along with being an elder’s wife. There are days when I wonder the same thing! After all, it is a fairly difficult position…the wife of a man whose responsibility (along with other men serving in this capacity) is to watch for the souls of those with whom he worships.

Often, no matter what the elders say or do, there will be someone(s) who will not be happy with their decisions. When something is announced to the congregation that is meant to strengthen their spirituality and cause them to think about their actions or words, there are those who immediately get upset. I may not know who was upset, but I will know that someone was because of the sadness on my husband’s face.

So, how does the title of this post fit, in light of the example I just gave? Let me explain.

It fits because in re-studying those passages which explain the qualifications for being an elder (1 Timothy 3; Titus 1; John 10; 1 Peter 5), I have been reminded of the kind of man I am married to. One who meets the qualifications of a godly man who desires to serve the Lord in this capacity. He is rooted and grounded in the faith and strives to live his life serving God.

Many women focus on a man who is good looking, or wealthy, or has a great career, or enjoys the pleasures of life, but they fail to examine the strength of his faith in God. Their focus is worldly and not spiritual. One will disappear, but the other is eternal.

And so, as I stand beside this man who serves as an elder in the Lord’s church, I consider it one of my greatest blessings in life. His strength, his humility, his wisdom from God’s Word, his empathy, his prayer life, and so many more qualities make being his wife one of my greatest blessings. Is it always easy? NO! Is it hard to watch him hurt emotionally? YES! Would I change the position I have as his wife? NO!!

God provides the strength needed for our elders to stand and serve. He also provides the strength needed for elders’ wives to stand beside them, love and respect them, and recognize the blessing of being married to a man who serves God wholeheartedly.

Rise up, O men of God! Have done with lesser things;

Give heart and mind and soul and strength to serve the King of kings.  

(William P. Merrill)

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AUTHOR: Donna Faughn


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