Church Life,  Tech

One of My Favorite Things on Social Media Right Now

I almost gave this post the title “My Favorite Thing on Social Media Right Now,” but that wouldn’t be right. After all, seeing baptisms and other responses to the Gospel will–hopefully–forever be my favorite thing on Facebook and Instagram. Then, seeing family activities will, I hope, always be right near the top.

However, there is something I am seeing more and more of the last few days as school years are finished and summer events unfold that I simply cannot get enough of. What is it?

Youth group activities that did not happen in 2020.

I am loving seeing church camps will full worship services, youth devotionals, service projects, and fun outings with tons of young people all back together and enjoying themselves. (And, honestly, I don’t care if they have masks on or not…just seeing them together is the main thing!)

If you have any influence over your youth work at your local congregation, step up. A huge number of young people had basically no youth events or programs in 2020. Then a lot of places “played it safe” during the school year, and understandably so.

But now the question is, will we let a second summer slip by without some of the traditional opportunities to get together and grow together? If so, what are we risking?

Parents, will you let a second summer pass without having your child(ren) involved in youth activities? Will they miss another summer of camp or VBS or devotionals or even game nights? If so, what are you risking, so far as them being involved is concerned?

I pray that I get to see more and more pictures with more and more precious young people daily this summer. And not because it’s a sign that we are “getting back to normal.” Instead, it’s because it means more young people are being impacted by the Gospel and by good Christian friends.

It’s PAST time to get these young people involved. Spend the summer building them up in the faith. Get them involved. The long-term rewards far, far, far outweigh the minimal short-term risks.

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn

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