Family,  Parenting

One Two-Step to Being a Better Dad

Father’s Day is coming up Sunday. For a long time now, it has (thankfully) been noted that, far too often, we celebrate mom on Mother’s Day and then blast dads on Father’s Day. It seems to be that the tide has finally turned, though, as more people are seeking to truly honor dads on this special day.

Any dad who is striving to do things right knows that he falls short. He understands that he cannot do everything and that there are shortcomings that must be worked on. A real man is willing to work on those things.

But where does a dad start? Thankfully, if he is a Christian dad, the biggest step has already been taken, because he is following the Lord.

Practically, though, I want to suggest that there is one step that any dad can take that will make him a better dad. It is a step that, well…it actually comes in TWO steps that are worded in the same way.

What is it? What is this magical two-step?

Be There.

That’s it. Be there!

But, as I said, those two words stand for two related steps, each of which emphasizes a different one of those two words.

The first way is by simply being present. In other words, be with your kids. BE there. They need to see you around. Too many guys want to be workaholics or want to hang out with their buddies during all their free time and their kids rarely see them. You only have a few years with those kids at home. Let them see you around.

But the second way is by being involved. When you are there…be THERE. Play the games with them. Read to them. Talk with them. Listen to them. Watch their games or performances. Complement their strengths. Discipline them. Teach them the Bible. Get into their world so that you can know their heart.

It’s a two-word step, but it’ll make every dad just a little better. Dads, be there.

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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