
One Week from Today

Next Friday, the 9th Avenue church of Christ in Haleyville, Alabama, will host her annual youth rally, and you are invited and encouraged to attend.

The theme for the 2007 (does that seem weird?) youth rally is “The Christian and the Media.” We hope to focus on things that are good and bad about the mainstream media. Classes will be available for young people by several different teachers, and there will also be a class series on Saturday for adults taught by Mike Baker from Lewisburg, Tennessee.

Our keynote speaker will be Mike Johnson from Richmond, Kentucky. He will speak on Friday night, Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon.

The rally will begin at 6:00 Friday night, with singing beginning at 6:30. On Saturday, we will begin at 9 AM (if you cannot come on Friday night, please be here by 8:45 Saturday morning) and conclude at 3:00. We are expecting visitors from Kentucky, Tennessee and many congregations in Alabama.

If you need more information, please feel free to email adfaughn@centurytel.net . We hope to see you next weekend.


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