
Open House Pictures

I mentioned that we had an open house last Saturday night. If my count was correct, we had 102 attend in a “come and go” fashion. There may have been more. I was trying to visit with folks and count at the same time, so I may have missed a few.

We truly enjoyed the night. The fellowship was great. Here are some pictures of that night.
Our official greeter



  • Becky @ Boys Rule My Life

    I just thought I’d finally de-lurk myself as I pop in from time to time. I’m the one you see from Hunstville, AL. We are members of the church and I don’t remember exactly how I found you, but I just like to come over and see what y’all are up to. It’s wonderful to see Christians fellowshipping and enjoying each other’s company! 102 people – wow! That’s a great open house! We’re hosting a scavenger hunt for our college age and young families this weekend at our house. I hope to remember to take pictures! Anyway, just wanted to say hi and nice to meet you! 🙂