Our Message is Different (or It Should Be)

Jump on Facebook or Twitter and scroll for more than 15 seconds.
Click on any news website and scan the headlines.
Sit through the evening news.
What are you going to see? Bad news and anger about it all.
It is constant. This is wrong with our world. That has changed for the worse. I can’t believe this person did that. Look what’s wrong with this politician. If you disagree with me about anything, I’m mad at you.
We are feeding our minds constantly with it.
And, even more tragically, we are spreading it all the time.
But we are Christians. Have we forgotten that our message to the world is the polar opposite of that?
It’s the Gospel.
And that word means “good news!”
Now, that’s not to say that we bury our head in the proverbial sand and act as if everything is wonderful. It’s not that we ignore issues and treat them as no big deal. It’s not that we pretend that all is well all the time. We must confront wrong where we see it and be willing to stand for what is right.
That said, are we spending so much time absorbing–and sharing–how bad everything is that we are forgetting to share the good news that only we can share?
Jesus is the answer.
Jesus provides hope.
Jesus can change a person. A family. A neighborhood. An entire culture.
The world.
Jesus solves all the problems because only His message is both perfectly righteous and perfectly consistent for all people.
And Jesus solves every issue not only in this life, He gives the only solution for the life to come.
For every explosion, He brings peace.
For every shooting, He brings life.
For every immoral decision, He brings the opportunity of forgiveness.
For every downward slide, He brings life.
For every dark day, He brings hope.
We have that message. It’s good news.
Let’s start filling our mind with it, and then let’s start filling every conversation and every outlet with it.
Because we live in a world that desperately needs it.
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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn