Family,  Parenting

Parents, This Christmas…

My post today is really simple and short. It is just a reminder to parents, including the one writing this article.

This time of year, we feel pressure to make everything perfect for our kids. We think our house has to look like a New York City storefront. We try to bake perfect cookies. We want to go to dozens of events and watch 5 Christmas movies per day. We will search long and hard for gifts (some of which we can’t even afford).

Stop it…and just spend time with your kids.

If the lights on the tree go out, who cares? Make it a laughing memory.

If the cookies could go on the #fail list on Instagram, does that really matter? You made them with your kid.

If you just go to one parade or watch just one movie, but do it together, that child won’t forget it.

And if you can’t afford a big gift, so what? A day spent making memories together means more anyway.

Parents…remember that the time is what matters. You aren’t doing Christmas stuff to show off to everyone else (I hope). You are doing it to make memories as a family.

Slow down. Enjoy it. Just spend time together.

(And make some hot chocolate.)

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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