Passionate or…….
Sometimes I read or hear something and just sit back and think, “Do I ever wish I had thought of that!” That’s the case with today’s post.
I am currently reading a book called Who is My Neighbor? Being a Good Samaritan in a Connected World. So far, I have found the book to be okay, but nothing special.
However, as I was reading last night, I came across a word and concept in the book that made me think. The author, Scott Moore, says that far too many Christians are not passionate…
…they are “fassionate.”
What does that mean? He means that many Christians are only passionate about the “fashionable” sin or topic of the day. When something else comes up, we’ll move our “passion” to that issue.
Could it be that he’s right?
- How many Christians made sure to step into the theater and watch The Passion of the Christ, only to then go back to the same theater a few weeks later to watch some sin-filled film?
- How many of us bought our requisite Chick-fil-A sandwich to show support for traditional marriage, only to vote for candidates who support gay marriage just a few months later?
- I see many Christians who speak out loudly and effectively against the hot button issues of homosexuality or abortion, but have no problem with other “non-hot button” issues, like immodest dress.
Are we getting the point? Are we “fassionate?”
Or, are we passionate for the whole counsel of God?
Makes you think, doesn’t it?
QUESTION: What are some ways to develop passion instead of just “fassion?”
Photo credit: Tiffany Terry on creative commons
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