
Perfect Attendance (Bulletin Article for March 11)

[NOTE: At the conclusion of each quarter, we publish the names of those who had perfect attendance in their Sunday morning Bible class for the previous quarter. I feel this is important enough to also warrant an article here.]

Our Winter quarter ended in February, and we are now underway in our Spring quarter. We want to thank all who taught during the Winter quarter. You did a great job!

Several students and teachers had perfect attendance for December-February. They were: Bryant Saylor, Helen Mashburn, Monica Pickard, Garrett Clark, Judy Kilpatrick, Sidney Saylor, Wyn McAlpine, Casey Overton, Derinda Moody, Morgan Page, Tabitha Clark, Trey Williams, Roger Moody, Danny Tedford, Dylan Burleson, Trent Williams, Christe Lee Goar, Will Romine, Jackie Albright, Teena Goar, Becky Terry, Suzanne Tyson, David Albright, Mac McAlpine, Sandra Burleson, Debra Hood, Susie Reynolds, Barbara Slatton, Ara Lou Burleson, Martha Burleson, Betty Dobbs, Betty Hughes, Buster Burleson, Don Burleson, Larry Burleson, Harold Coan, Howard Howell, Lois Burleson, Robert Dykes, Velva Dykes, Sonny Fell, Sylvia Fell, James Gaskin, Sharon Gaskin, Hildred Green, Charlotte Harper, Ken Harper, Morris Hatton, Denvil Jones, Tommy Keenum, Mary Mays, Jewell McCreless, Don Smith, Judy Smith, Nellie Tuck, Veda West, D.O. Wiley and Doris Wiley.

With as much sickness as we’ve had, and with the holidays falling during this past quarter, having perfect attendance is an achievement. It also shows dedication to learning about the Bible. All 58 of these individuals should be commended for their dedication to Bible class.

If your name isn’t on here because of travel during the holidays (as is the case with my family), did you take the time to worship God and attend a Bible class where you were? We trust you did.

If your name isn’t on here because of sickness, we pray that you are feeling better and can return to your class, even this Sunday.

But, if your name isn’t on here because you simply decided not to attend, we also pray for you. Friend, Bible class is important! It is a great way to gain spiritual nourishment so you can stand against Satan. If we don’t eat nutritious food, our bodies suffer. If we fail to “eat” spiritually nutritious food, our souls suffer!

Be with your class. Your classmates and teachers miss you. I’ll see you Sunday…at 9:30, with an open Bible.

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