
Perfect Attendance (Bulletin Article for September 3)

[NOTE: Each quarter I publish a list of those who have had perfect attendance for the previous quarter. While this may not seem “blog-worthy” to some, these deserve a lot of credit and, hopefully, you will find some of my other comments helpful.]

Summer is always busy. Many families take much-needed vacations and are away from us for a Sunday or two. We trust, though, that those families take the time to worship the Lord on His day in whatever location they find themselves. (By the way, if you are ever traveling somewhere and do not know of a congregation of God’s people, please call the office. We’ll be glad to help you find a good congregation.)

Even with so many people gone, several made sure they were here for every Sunday Bible class in the Summer quarter (June-August). Those who had perfect attendance were: Scott McAlpine, Clarice Jean Arthur, Kay Tedford, Wyn McAlpine, Mary Jane Kizer, Jordan Harper, Bradley Tedford, Tim Overton, Adam Faughn, Leah Faughn, Frances Jones, Mac McAlpine, Leisa McCreless, Ricky McCreless, Danny Tedford, Beth McAlpine, Barbara Slatton, Olive Berry, Ara Lou Burleson, Betty Dobbs, Buster Burleson, Hester Bowley, Leburn Burleson, Lois Burleson, Eloise Cummings, Leaty Drake, Tommy Gentle, Ken Harper, Morris Hatton, Denvil Jones, Leisa Knight, Mike Logan, James McCreless, Jewell McCreless, Carnell Rasbury, Don Smith, Judy Smith, Ruth Ward, D.O. Wiley and Doris Wiley.

In total, 41 members of the 9th Avenue family had perfect attendance for the Summer quarter. While that is a great number, there is always room for improvement. (A special thanks to Bobbie Hatton for compiling this list for us.)

Today we begin our Fall quarter and we promote in our Bible classes. We are also continuing our teacher rotation. In our elementary classes, we are now able to have our teachers teach for one quarter and then have two quarters “off,” so they can go to their regular classes and learn. We are so thankful that we have so many who are willing to give of their time and talents. By having this many, we are able to give our teachers a break, so they will be more refreshed each time they enter the classroom. We can always use more, though. Our ultimate goal in cradle roll through the 4th grade is to have enough teachers so that each teacher is just teaching one quarter per year. If you can help us, please see Don Smith or Leah Faughn.

In our 5th-12th grade classes, we have been on a rotation for some time. We can still use more teachers in that rotation as well. If you can help us in these grades, see Tim Overton. We are also always on the lookout for more adult class teachers. If you are interested in helping with adult classes, please see Ricky McCreless or Don Smith.

We are so thankful for each teacher and each student. The Bible School program is so important to the spiritual growth of each individual and the entire congregation. We should always be looking for ways to improve it…

…and we should always make sure we are present!

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