Church Life,  Family

Polishing the Pulpit 2018 is Almost Here!

I was sitting and contemplating what I could write for my post this week. All I could think about was the studying I needed to be doing for the lessons I am presenting at Polishing the Pulpit.

Then it hit me – why not just write about PtP! I’m sure most of you know what this gathering is, but if you haven’t had the privilege of attending, or even if you have attended, I would like to share some of my thoughts with you about this great event.

1.  PtP is a gathering of people of “like, precious faith”  lots of people.  We tend to call it “a little taste of heaven” in our family. New friends are made, and old friends are reunited for a few days to share in this wonderful event. We gather in Sevierville, Tennessee at the Sevierville Convention Center in the beautiful Smokey Mountains.

2.  PtP is a learning and growing experience for all who attend.  Growing our faith is so important, and PtP is one of the best places to do just that. There are classes for everyone –men, women, teens, children, preachers, elders, youth ministers, preachers’ wives, elders’ wives, homeschoolers, young mothers, older women, married people, single people, Bible class teachers…well, you get the point. There is something Biblically based for everyone who attends!!

3.  PtP has periods of singing that will make you dream of what Heaven will be like.  If you like great singing, you should really enjoy PtP! Many of the ladies’ classes begin with one of our younger women leading a song. The large evening sessions begin with a period of singing. If you so choose, the early morning can begin with a singing session. The Sunday morning and evening worship in the Events Center always begins with singing – 3,000 voices blending together always brings tears of joy to my eyes! And lest I forget, the young people gather in the evenings for singing. Sometimes I just sit and listen to this and thank God for those young people who are making and will make a difference in the church.

4.  At PtP we even have a little time for “retail therapy” (that’s shopping for you men who are reading this).  The Convention Center is located not too far from outlet malls and the schedule has a little free time if you are there over the weekend. Within the Convention Center, many vendors have brought what they sell and they are set up on sight. Everything from books to purses, jewelry and ladies’ clothing, men’s suits and shirts, can be found. Several of our Christian Book Stores bring a large variety of books, Bibles, Commentaries, class material, children’s books, etc. to be sold. There’s even a place to buy a cup of coffee or a soft drink and sit to rest or visit with friends.

5.  PtP is a labor of love – love for God and for His people.  The elders of the Jacksonville, Alabama church of Christ oversee this great work – and it is a great deal of work. They have a wonderful staff who work tirelessly to make sure that this event runs smoothly. Even a tornado that destroyed their office building a few months ago could not stop them from continuing and carrying out their work.  Servant’s hearts don’t give up!  The event will go on and God will be glorified.

Oh, there is so much more I could say, but I do still need to study for those lessons. Suffice it to say that you won’t be disappointed if you attend. It is money well spent. You will come away stronger as a Christian. Your life with be enriched, your family will be stronger, your congregation will be better and you will realize you are not alone in your Christian walk.

If you can’t come this year, start saving your pennies for next year. Mark it on your calendar in August. Just google PtP2018 and read more about it. You’ll be glad you did.

Now to study those notes….

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AUTHOR: Donna Faughn


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