
Practically Applying an Amazing Streak

One of my good friends, Daniel Gaines, wrote a brief article based on the ending of one of the most amazing streaks in all of sports. His words follow, and are used with his permission.

A Stunning Victory
This past Saturday night, the Caltech Beavers won a resounding 81-52 victory over Bard College of New York. What makes this NCAA Division III match-up noteworthy is that the last time that Caltech won a Division III game was in 1996! They had lost a staggering 207 division games in a row!

As I read this news I thought of another streak of frustrating losses. From the beginning of time, man has futilely fought to resist Satan, but to a man they all failed. That is until that streak was broken by an overwhelming victory by Jesus. He lived a perfect life, not succumbing to even one of Satan’s charms and devices. Thus Jesus becoming the perfect sacrifice for our sins brought hope and forgiveness into the world. Because of Him we now have a chance to share in the victory if we will align ourselves with His team. Which team are you on?

1 Corinthians 15:57 (ESV) “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

I appreciate Daniel’s application. Losing that many games in a row is totally amazing to me, but he was able to turn it into a practical application we all can learn from. Thank you, Daniel.

If you want to read more about this incredible story, click here for the ESPN online story.

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