Church Life

Praise for Young People

If you were asked what your opinion of young people is today, what would come to your mind first? Many people closer to my age might describe them in terms like irresponsible, disrespectful, ungrateful, spoiled, immature, rebellious, and the list could go on and on. 

Upon what do most people usually base these negative opinions? Sometimes it is what they have seen and heard in a short encounter with them. You might see a group at the mall on a Friday night and, spotting them from a distance, judge them based upon what they are wearing and what they are saying. To be honest, it is often difficult to not think in negative terms when we encounter them in this or any other kind of setting. 

Before we judge them so quickly, we might want to take a look back to when we were their age. Does the word “Woodstock” ring a bell with anyone? If not, I would tell you to Google it, but I wouldn’t want anyone to see the pictures of that irresponsible, disrespectful, spoiled, immature, rebellious, sinful group of young people! Now before you get the idea that I have some first-hand knowledge of that event, let me assure you that I do not! I am still living, and had I attended something like that, I’m sure my parents would have killed me.

Can we ever have any praise for young people today, or do we just throw them all in the same basket and pray that they will grow up one day?

I sat recently in an auditorium that was nearly full of young people. They had gathered to see friends they had made, sing praises to God, listen to a lesson from the Bible, and enjoy a time of fellowship with a meal.

I sat in the back and observed these young people. They lifted praises to God in singing that made me think I had died and gone to heaven. They sat and really listened to a great lesson that was a little longer than usual (no complaints here) about topics they really need to hear in order to navigate this life at their age. In every respect they acted like young people who want to do what is right!!

Was it loud in the fellowship hall when they were eating? YES, but it was happy, joyful talking and laughter. The kind that comes from getting to spend time with friends who believe in God and His word.

I couldn’t help myself. I needed to praise these young people. Often, they don’t get much of that. 

Try it sometime. Get to know them! They aren’t aliens. In some cases they are your brothers and sisters in Christ. They need to know that this older generation really cares about them and loves them. You might be surprised what you can learn from them if you just take the time to interact with them.

Thank you Father, for young people. Let us praise them as we praise You.

Remember the words of the Apostle Paul to the young man Timothy:

“Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example

 in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12).

When you see young people setting examples like this, make sure you praise them highly.

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AUTHOR: Donna Faughn


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