Church Life

Praise God for Activity!

I love hearing E. Claude Gardner talk about nearly anything. There is a certain dignity in his voice and in the words he chooses that is so rare.

Last week during the FHU lectures, brother Gardner was leading prayer at a chapel session. He thanked God for preachers and song leaders and missionaries. Then, in his prayer, he led us in a thought that I don’t think I have ever prayed. He said,

And we thank You for the many announcements that brother [Roy] Sharp has told us about today, because they show there is a great deal of activity going on.

I must admit, there were a few small chuckles across the auditorium, because there had been a huge number of announcements that day. And, yes, I’ll admit that I laughed within myself at these words…

…at first.

And then I started thinking about what a true statement and great prayer that was.

Food is always a good part of activity!
Food is always a good part of activity!

In contrast, I was in a church building recently (not Lebanon Road!) where a calendar was in the foyer with activities for that month. This was in mid-January, and the calendar for January had exactly 1 thing written on it…for the entire month!

I know that announcements get old sometimes. I get bored with them, too, but the prayer that brother Gardner led us in really made me think. Isn’t it great to be somewhere when there is activity going on? There is a sense of life and movement when there are things going on.

So, praise God for the dinners, cookouts, and potlucks. Thank Him for the camps, Bible classes, VBS meetings, and retreats. Give Him honor for the meetings, workshops, service projects, and special get-togethers.

Let’s not have activity just for the sake of activity, but let’s be ever grateful when there are things to do.

Praise God for activity!


Photo credit: Natalie Maynor on Creative Commons

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