A Prayer for Someone I’ve Probably Never Met…Yet
Dear Lord,
Five and a half years ago, you blessed us with our surprise. When the doctor looked at us, held up the sonogram, and said, “You are going to have a baby,” we were beyond shocked. These years have been a blessing to our lives. While Turner is a bit harder to “convince,” he is still my buddy, and I pray for us as parents as we guide Him.
But Father, I have a different request today. It is one I have made before your throne before, but has been on my heart a lot lately. Somewhere out in this big, broad world, there is a family raising a little girl, and I want to pray for them. One of these days, if it is your will for Turner’s life, she will be his wife, and I want him to be blessed with a wife as wonderful as he sees in his own mother.
So, Lord, would you help that family raise a true Christian lady? I pray that they will instill in her a love for you that exceeds her love of anything else. I pray that Bible study, worship attendance, and prayer will not be questions in her life, but will be pillars that support the rest of her life. I pray that that young family is holding regular family devotionals and building that sacred time into her life. I pray that, though she is too young to be a Christian yet, you still hear her prayers already. I pray that her parents never let anything supersede worshiping you.
Father, help her to be a lady. As she grows and temptations begin to be more common from this world, help her to see her worth to you. Help to her to know that her body is sacred, and that her sexual gift is being saved for my son and my son alone. Help her to avoid those in our world who would take that innocence from her, and from her marriage. Help her to realize that her inward beauty is reflected in her outward appearance, so help her to be modest and proper in her dress and mannerisms.
Selfishly, I pray that she loves people of all ages, because I want grandchildren–should you bless them with children–who are truly loved by her and Turner, and I pray they will love Leah and me in our old age. Cultivate in her a servant’s heart, one that sees the role of being a wife and mother as exalted, and nothing to be ashamed of. Help her to see that, should she choose to remain a keeper of the home, that she is not a second-class citizen.
And Father, help me as Turner’s dad, to continue this prayer often. Help me teach Turner to pray this way. Thank you for my buddy.
In Christ,
Photo credit: Kevin Rawlings on creative commons
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One Comment
Scott McCown
Adam, as the father of a teenage son, I have been praying this prayer for 15 years. I do not know who the young lady will be, but she and her family are in my prayers.