Preachers, This One’s for You
Okay, so today’s post may not be “SEO friendly” or draw a bunch of page views, but I wanted to share something from my heart from a preacher to my fellow preachers.

It has to do with our attitude toward moving, or potentially moving. Preachers, take this little 8 question quiz. The “key” will follow.
1. Do you find yourself thinking more of where you “could be,” rather than where you are?
2. Are you wanting to make a move for finances simply because you have been outspending your income wastefully?
3. Do you look for the negative where you are, and only see the positive in some congregation that wants to talk?
4. Though you are lacking in motivation (or not feeling well, or just having a “blue” day), have you convinced yourself that you are burned out?
5. Have you avoided praying about “that” phone call or letter, because you are pretty sure what God’s answer would be?
6. Do you find yourself polishing up your “tryout” sermon more than this Sunday’s Bible class?
7. Do you look at moving somewhere else as a move “up the preaching ladder?”
8. Do you just “have to tell” someone about every congregation that contacts you?
Okay….end of test. Before giving the “key,” I hope you have shoes on, because your toes might be getting ready to get stepped on.
Here’s the key to this little quiz. If the answer to any of the 8 questions was “yes,” it is not time to move…it is time to reevaluate your mindset toward ministry in general.
Yes, there is a time to move. It is not a sin to move. Nearly every preacher will move at some point. There are legitimate reasons to move, and there are legitimate reasons to want to move. But if all you are doing is looking for some move “up” in the preaching world, then you have forgotten what ministry is all about.
Yes, sometimes you must move for money’s sake. But if you are just going to outspend that new salary, too, you’ll be moving your whole life for money.
Yes, people will call or write, but you do not have to share that information every time. Why are you sharing that? We respect you as a preacher, no matter how many (or few) places ever contact you.
Here’s the bottom line: do the best work you can do every single day where you are, and you will be a success in the eyes of God. After all, isn’t that what it’s all about?
…and isn’t that what we preach to others every Sunday, too? It’s time to follow our own teaching.
